Yuanyuan Co.Ltd is a professional manufacturer and exporter of all kinds of sport bags and plastic & hardware buckles and rare stones series .The sports bags mainly include back packs, traveling bags, waists bags, computer bags, cooler bags, hiking bags, surfboard bags, skateboard bags, hunting bags, school bags, trolley bags. And the sports bagsĄ¯ matching plastic and hardware buckles.
Our co***ny always keep the strict quality control, excellent customer service and ship the goods in time . Our products have always been the most competitive one among suppliers, and enjoy great favors from our customers. Our experienced R&D team offers you a regularly updated range of bags in different materials and with various accessory options. We can design and make according to your drawing or photos or ideas.
Now our products have been exported all over the world, Such as U.S. A, Germany, Korea, Malaysia, Canada, UK and so on. We are expanding the business coverage to the Europe. Many brands customers now rely on us to provide OEM services for soft polyester and nylon and Tarpaulin bags.
Last but not least, we will keep devoting ourselves to serving our customers sincerely and accelerating our development by virtue or our advantage so as to make the cooperation between our customers and our co***ny be best of our pleasure and achievement. We sincerely hope that we can cooperate with you to create a brilliant future.
Contact Information:
Website: www.yyofchina.com Address: 1703-1803 unites of 17 F/L, No.521, West of Nianquan Road,Xiamen, Fujian, China 361000 Tel: 86-592-5916299 Fax:86-592-5936299 Email:sales@yyofchina.com yyenterprise@126.com Contact Person: Kany Job Title: Manager, International Dep.